Friday, February 6, 2009

How To Build Muscle: Tips and Tricks (BLAST YOUR BICEPS AGAIN!)

I normally do not like the idea of doubling down on one particular muscle. It just seems a bit redundant. However, people enjoyed the first biceps blasting entry so much that I had to revisit the topic. 

I love saying that. It gets me pumped up for an intense work out. As all of you already know, intensity is key in building muscle or blasting your biceps. However, what you probably did not know was how doing static holds would pump your biceps into a state of intense growth!

Static exercises involve muscular actions in which the length of the muscle does not change and there is no visible movement at the joint. For example, a bicep curl held at the 90 degree angle until failure. Ironically, this is exactly the type of curl I want you to do.

Many people do the exercise of static training instead of doing your movement exercises (IE the full curl). I want you to do the static training at the end of your full curl!

Static strength is stronger than positive strength therefore, the ideal item is to exhaust your positive motion strength and then exhaust your all of your static strength. (Does this sound intense to you yet? Get ready for 18-inch arms my friend!).

Why would I ever tell you to do a machine when there are so many other great free weights to use? The answer is very logical, if you are by yourself and you are going to do this exercise, you will be at complete positive failure when it's time for you to do your static hold, so how do you expect to add weight and get the bar up on your own fast enough for the exercise to work?

With a machine curl, you can get to positive failure, go up 5 or 10lbs and get a little cheat in on your curl up to the static position within 3 seconds or so. 

Here are photos of two types of curling machines:
Type One: Sitting Preacher Curl

This is a Nautilus Preacher Curl (Even though I am a No-Nonsense Muscle Building Advocate, I am first a Mike Mentzer disciple  and I think that Nautilus are great machines!)

Type Two: Standing Cable Curls

If you have not read my initial post regarding the golden rules for working out, then please go to the first post and review them. It is crucial that you review and follow these steps to slam your biceps into muscle maximizing mode! 

Regular Routine:
Get your regular routine for your biceps in. 
Go until positive failure anywhere between 6 - 10 repetitions. 
Once you have positive failure lower the weight slowly and add 5 or 10 more pounds immediately! (Start low on 5lbs first).

The Cheat Up:
Then cheat the weight up to the contracted position until you are at a 90 degree angel.
(Side note, remember that building muscle is about stimulating growth with full muscle resistance and the bicep is only at full muscle resistance at the 90 degree angle)

The Static Part:
Now at this angle HOLD!
and then HOLD!
and then HOLD SOME MORE!!!!!
Try to hold it for at least 15 seconds.
Feel your bicep burning!

Don't Forget the Negative:
If your arm starts to go down from fatigue keep trying to hold! 
Remember that your arm will start to come down slowly and only will come down fast if you let it. Negative strength is stronger than static so what ever you do don't let that curl come down fast!

Make sure it comes down at slow as humanly possible until you are once again at the rested position.

Congratulations you have officially blasted your biceps with static curls!

Now as a very important bodybuilding figure use to say (MM) "Get the Hell out of the gym and go how to GROW!" Let me know when you add a few inches to your arm!

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