Sunday, May 31, 2009

Lose Weight Fast Lose Weight Naturally and Lose Weight Starting Today!

Weight Loss Programs - Finding A Weight Loss Program That Works

By Vince DelMonte 

If you're currently on the search for weight loss programs, you'll need to consider a variety of things. All weight loss programs are not created equally; some will have a much higher rate of success than others.

Knowing exactly what to look for when searching for weight loss exercise programs will help enable you to make a decision that will get you the results you're looking for.

First, if you're like many people, you probably want a free weight loss program. The thing to keep in mind though is that these are free for a reason. They are targeted towards the general public and as such, give such broad suggestions that while it may work for one person, it will not work for you. For example, if you are a 200 pound man and the free weight loss programs you are finding are more geared towards a 140 pound woman; you can see why this would obviously be problematic.

The first thing to ask yourself when you see a weight loss diet program is how personalized is it. I'm sure you've heard the saying that "General programs produce general results," which is very true. The more personalized and targeted the solution is to your individual situation, the higher your chance of consistent weight loss.

Next, ask whether it allows for enough calories to keep you from completely starving. While it may be tempting to try a very low calorie approach to get the weight loss process over and done with, usually these end up backfiring on you, leaving you gaining more weight back after you go off them than you had when you first started. Your goal is to burn the fat, not starve the fat and the majority of weight loss programs force your metabolism to shut down which leads to muscle loss - a doubled edged sword contributing to greater fat storage on your body.

Another component that you'll want to factor in is exercise. A good weight loss exercise program will combine both cardiovascular training along with weight training. Those weight loss exercise programs that have you doing hours of cardio on end are not going to be all that beneficial at retaining your lean muscle tissue mass, nor time efficiency. Since, your lean muscle tissue is what keeps your metabolism the highest; it's what you really want to focus on the most. Neglecting this aspect of your workout is a huge mistake and does not maximize the 24 hours in a day you have to burn fat.

Finally, keep in mind that any weight loss program you go on you should be maintainable in the long run. A program that you're only able to maintain in the very short term is likely to not be overly beneficial as if lifestyle changes are not made with regards to how you're eating; chances are that the weight will be back at some point in the near future. Your ultimate goal is a lifestyle change, not a temporary change.

So, if you want to get on a weight loss program that works, be sure to check out Your Six-Pack Quest. As you'll discover when you sign up for this plan you'll get 9 balanced meal plans, 84 days each, ranging from 1200 to 2800 calories. You have literally zero guess work because these plans include grocery lists, a wide variety of meals, tasty meals, and exact times to eat. Follow the plans to the letter and you'll have a ripped and sexy six pack 6 months tops.

About the Author:

Vince DelMonte is the author of Your Six Pack Quest found at

He specializes in helping chubby guys and gals how to lose weight without gimmicks, supplements or dieting.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Can't Make It To The Gym? Remember These Excersises When You Can't Pump Iron!


As you probably already have guessed it, I love to work out and I love to grow. Thanks to the work out systems I follow I've blasted my biceps and built a huge chest and have huge legs. I am constantly in muscle growth and strength training mode.

But sometimes I need a vacation. And the problem with that is that sometimes there are no gyms in the area I camp out or rest at (Sucks I know). With that said, I felt that it was time to give you guys the  basic muscle building and body blasting exercises needed to keep your gains or even grow a bit more, while you are relaxing in a deserted island or skiing down to a small town with no gym.


With out any further delay:
1. Push-ups
2. Dips
3. One legged lunges

Don't think that just because you are training with no weight that these exercises are easy. Remember that you must, no matter what, follow the rules I have posted for you regarding your routine.

So, remember to do these exercises every 4 days. YES THAT'S RIGHT STILL DO THESE EXERCISES EVERY 4 DAYS! If you are already a Vince DelMonte or Mike Mentzer disciple,  you know why. If you only do them once because you'll be back in the gym by the fourth day, even better. These exercises are not a substitute for weight lifting.

Push ups are simple.
  1. Get on the floor on your stomach.
  2. Lift yourself up with your arms at shoulder length.
  3. Keep your damn back straight. When you back is arched you are cheating.
  4. Bring yourself back down to your beginning position. BUT DO NOT LAY BACK DOWN. you want resistance through this whole motion.
  5. Go until positive failure. 
Follow the golden muscle building rules and go to failure.

Mike Mentzer once said that the dip was the upper body squat. And he was damn right. In my opinion you should do the dips or the push ups. Not both at the same time. 

  1. Get to a stable and sturdy chair or table
  2. Sit on top of the chair and place your hands at the front edge of the chair or table.
  3. Extend your legs out together and completely flat and in front of you
  4. Now lower your body down (slow of course) right next to your chair or table. Your torso should be right next to the chair or table and you should be supporting yourself with your triceps.
  5. Get to a bottom position where your triceps will probably be at or about 90 degrees.
  6. Then squeeze back up to the beginning position.
Follow the golden muscle building rules and go to failure.

  1. With the same chair or table you used for your dips, set your self up into a lunge position  only with your back leg onto of the chair.
  2. Bring yourself down to a 90 degree angel
  3. Then Push yourself up again to your beginning position.
  4. Always squeeze at the top.
  5. Repeat until positive failure.
Follow the muscle building golden rules. 
She's Yummy ain't she. Looks like those lunges are hitting the right spot on her huh guys.


These exercises are NOT a full substitute for going to the gym to blast and build your body. But if you find yourself in a position where either you can not make it to the gym or there is no gym in a 30 mile radius (yep imagine where in the world I am if the closest gym it 30 damn miles away) these exercises will help you stay in body building mode and will target a large majority of muscles.

I will be posting some more intense training techniques to work with soon.

For the best information on working out and building muscle please Click Here

Friday, February 6, 2009

How To Build Muscle: Tips and Tricks (BLAST YOUR BICEPS AGAIN!)

I normally do not like the idea of doubling down on one particular muscle. It just seems a bit redundant. However, people enjoyed the first biceps blasting entry so much that I had to revisit the topic. 

I love saying that. It gets me pumped up for an intense work out. As all of you already know, intensity is key in building muscle or blasting your biceps. However, what you probably did not know was how doing static holds would pump your biceps into a state of intense growth!

Static exercises involve muscular actions in which the length of the muscle does not change and there is no visible movement at the joint. For example, a bicep curl held at the 90 degree angle until failure. Ironically, this is exactly the type of curl I want you to do.

Many people do the exercise of static training instead of doing your movement exercises (IE the full curl). I want you to do the static training at the end of your full curl!

Static strength is stronger than positive strength therefore, the ideal item is to exhaust your positive motion strength and then exhaust your all of your static strength. (Does this sound intense to you yet? Get ready for 18-inch arms my friend!).

Why would I ever tell you to do a machine when there are so many other great free weights to use? The answer is very logical, if you are by yourself and you are going to do this exercise, you will be at complete positive failure when it's time for you to do your static hold, so how do you expect to add weight and get the bar up on your own fast enough for the exercise to work?

With a machine curl, you can get to positive failure, go up 5 or 10lbs and get a little cheat in on your curl up to the static position within 3 seconds or so. 

Here are photos of two types of curling machines:
Type One: Sitting Preacher Curl

This is a Nautilus Preacher Curl (Even though I am a No-Nonsense Muscle Building Advocate, I am first a Mike Mentzer disciple  and I think that Nautilus are great machines!)

Type Two: Standing Cable Curls

If you have not read my initial post regarding the golden rules for working out, then please go to the first post and review them. It is crucial that you review and follow these steps to slam your biceps into muscle maximizing mode! 

Regular Routine:
Get your regular routine for your biceps in. 
Go until positive failure anywhere between 6 - 10 repetitions. 
Once you have positive failure lower the weight slowly and add 5 or 10 more pounds immediately! (Start low on 5lbs first).

The Cheat Up:
Then cheat the weight up to the contracted position until you are at a 90 degree angel.
(Side note, remember that building muscle is about stimulating growth with full muscle resistance and the bicep is only at full muscle resistance at the 90 degree angle)

The Static Part:
Now at this angle HOLD!
and then HOLD!
and then HOLD SOME MORE!!!!!
Try to hold it for at least 15 seconds.
Feel your bicep burning!

Don't Forget the Negative:
If your arm starts to go down from fatigue keep trying to hold! 
Remember that your arm will start to come down slowly and only will come down fast if you let it. Negative strength is stronger than static so what ever you do don't let that curl come down fast!

Make sure it comes down at slow as humanly possible until you are once again at the rested position.

Congratulations you have officially blasted your biceps with static curls!

Now as a very important bodybuilding figure use to say (MM) "Get the Hell out of the gym and go how to GROW!" Let me know when you add a few inches to your arm!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How To Build Muscle: Get Bigger Biceps

If you are like me, you have spent most of your time reading Muscle Mags and Men's Health to learn what it takes to build big muscle. However, most of us normally will never build the muscle we want because the information we are receiving is tainted with advertisements, gimmicks, or are created for hormone driven neanderthals. As someone who has gone through the trial and error of building muscle and have learned what the true muscle building secrets are, I created this blog to give you some in site on the subject without wasting hundreds of dollars on worthless magazines. My initial post was about the basics of building muscle, today however I would like to discuss one particular area of interest to me... the bicep.

In this discussion, I am going to give you several muscle building tips on how to blast your biceps. Please review my first post regarding the general muscle building tips and tricks that most people neglect when they try to start building serious muscle.

 Tip one is simple. If you read the previous post, you will understand why this first tip is so important. Most people OVER TRAIN their biceps. They decided to do three to four exercises that range from preacher curl to dumbbell curls. The bicep is a very small muscle and is used in several other compound movement exercises. Keep your bicep exercises to no more than two (2) (And I think even that's pushing it).

Hammer Curls, (the type of dumbbell curl where you're holding the dumbbell with your palms facing more towards the ground than up (it looks like you are holding and swinging a hammer) does not work out the bicep. Due to the angle of the hammer curl exercises, you end up working out a muscle known as Brachialis.  

The brachialis is important to work out, but it is not the main bicep head. Furthermore, the brachialis, as with the bicep is very small and is used in many of your compound movements. During the hammer curl, your brachialis will fatigue much quicker than the bicep, leaving your bicep needing more stimulation.

Keep to the basics Preacher Curl and Regular Dumbbell Curls (But wait till you see the trick exercise I give you!).

3. Tip Three: STOP CHEATING!!!!
Once again, the original Muscle Building Tips and Tricks come into play. Most people believe that they are working out with huge intensity if they load the preacher curl or flat-bar with weight and swing the bar up on their curls. This is absolutely incorrect and wrong. The bicep itself  only has full resistance when your arm is at a 90 degree angle. This means that using momentum to swing the weights up on your exercises is hindering even more intensity. Use a strict stance. Keep your elbows in and extend through a full range of motion. If you cannot get 6 reps in with the current weight you are using, then drop down the weight. PERIOD.

1. The Secret Bicep Blasting Exercise:
Most people believe that the best mass building exercise for biceps are either the preacher curl or the standing flat barbell curl. However, if you remember from Tip 3 the fact that the greatest amount of resistance on the bicep comes at the arms 90 degree angle, then you can see that these exercises do not continuously put the greatest amount of resistance on the bicep. In fact the greatest amount of constant resistance on the bicep comes from doing reverse palm pull downs. 

These are reverse palm-pull downs:

Image Provided by

This excersise causes the bicep to be at full stimulation through the whole range of motion. Do it with your chest out and back straight and follow the cadence that I layed out for you in my first initial post and your biceps will explode. Do not ever neglect to do this excersise.

I always try to give you the best information I can, but the place where I get this from is even better. Check out Vince DelMonte's No-Nonsense Muscle Buidling program and try it for 60 days at no risk and see how quickly you transform yourself the same way I did.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

How to Build Muscle: Tips and Tricks

In this blog, I am going to give you several muscle building tips and tricks that most people neglect and are the reasons as to why they do not build muscle when working out.


1. When you want to build muscle, momentum is an enemy. Therefore, any exercise you do should go at a speed of 4 seconds for positive motion and 4 seconds for your negative motion.

2. Just because a work out is long, doesn't mean it will build muscle. Most people mistake working out longer for working out harder. This is a mistake. In fact, if you are looking to build muscle, a good work out should be no more than 45 minutes to 1 hour. So remember longer is not better. Keep your work outs short.

3. Rest. Rest. Rest. Most people believe they grow in the gym. WRONG. DEAD WRONG. The work out is suppose to stimulate your body into building muscle. So, if the work out is suppose to STIMULATE building muscle, then where do you actually grow?? WHEN YOU REST. Try to rest at least 1 day in between work outs.


1. If you find yourself not building muscle, that means there are only three things which may need to be changed. Either you are not resting enough, yours spending to much time in the gym, or the way you are working out is wrong. Review the tips I have stated. If you are doing two right, then it is the third that is wrong. Normally, people do not rest enough, but building muscle is an equivalent of all three tips.

2. The most mass building exercises are Squats and Deadlifts. PERIOD. Don't neglect to do them.

3. On your last rep, what ever you don't do not neglect that last negative rep. The slower and harder it is, the more your body will be stimulated to build muscle.

If you follow these tips and tricks you will immediately go from aimlessly moving weights in a gym for hours on end, to coming in with a definite purpose of building muscle. You will see results.

For more helpful hints, check out: No Nonsense Muscle Building

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