Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How To Build Muscle: Get Bigger Biceps

If you are like me, you have spent most of your time reading Muscle Mags and Men's Health to learn what it takes to build big muscle. However, most of us normally will never build the muscle we want because the information we are receiving is tainted with advertisements, gimmicks, or are created for hormone driven neanderthals. As someone who has gone through the trial and error of building muscle and have learned what the true muscle building secrets are, I created this blog to give you some in site on the subject without wasting hundreds of dollars on worthless magazines. My initial post was about the basics of building muscle, today however I would like to discuss one particular area of interest to me... the bicep.

In this discussion, I am going to give you several muscle building tips on how to blast your biceps. Please review my first post regarding the general muscle building tips and tricks that most people neglect when they try to start building serious muscle.

 Tip one is simple. If you read the previous post, you will understand why this first tip is so important. Most people OVER TRAIN their biceps. They decided to do three to four exercises that range from preacher curl to dumbbell curls. The bicep is a very small muscle and is used in several other compound movement exercises. Keep your bicep exercises to no more than two (2) (And I think even that's pushing it).

Hammer Curls, (the type of dumbbell curl where you're holding the dumbbell with your palms facing more towards the ground than up (it looks like you are holding and swinging a hammer) does not work out the bicep. Due to the angle of the hammer curl exercises, you end up working out a muscle known as Brachialis.  

The brachialis is important to work out, but it is not the main bicep head. Furthermore, the brachialis, as with the bicep is very small and is used in many of your compound movements. During the hammer curl, your brachialis will fatigue much quicker than the bicep, leaving your bicep needing more stimulation.

Keep to the basics Preacher Curl and Regular Dumbbell Curls (But wait till you see the trick exercise I give you!).

3. Tip Three: STOP CHEATING!!!!
Once again, the original Muscle Building Tips and Tricks come into play. Most people believe that they are working out with huge intensity if they load the preacher curl or flat-bar with weight and swing the bar up on their curls. This is absolutely incorrect and wrong. The bicep itself  only has full resistance when your arm is at a 90 degree angle. This means that using momentum to swing the weights up on your exercises is hindering even more intensity. Use a strict stance. Keep your elbows in and extend through a full range of motion. If you cannot get 6 reps in with the current weight you are using, then drop down the weight. PERIOD.

1. The Secret Bicep Blasting Exercise:
Most people believe that the best mass building exercise for biceps are either the preacher curl or the standing flat barbell curl. However, if you remember from Tip 3 the fact that the greatest amount of resistance on the bicep comes at the arms 90 degree angle, then you can see that these exercises do not continuously put the greatest amount of resistance on the bicep. In fact the greatest amount of constant resistance on the bicep comes from doing reverse palm pull downs. 

These are reverse palm-pull downs:

Image Provided by

This excersise causes the bicep to be at full stimulation through the whole range of motion. Do it with your chest out and back straight and follow the cadence that I layed out for you in my first initial post and your biceps will explode. Do not ever neglect to do this excersise.

I always try to give you the best information I can, but the place where I get this from is even better. Check out Vince DelMonte's No-Nonsense Muscle Buidling program and try it for 60 days at no risk and see how quickly you transform yourself the same way I did.

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